Brady Lake Village Ohio police chief Dave Kinney (DK) and Brady Lake Village clerk Ethel Nemeth (EN) talking about 37 year Brady Lake Village resident Dan Boyle after Dan Boyle was stopped by Dave Kinney for no front license plate on a coustomer's van,that Dan Boyle didn't know about. From 3/1/11 Dave Kinney was known as Toe 2 Toe. The above video was taken from Dave Kinney,aka,Toe 2 Toe's body camera that Toe 2 Toe forgot to shut off,what a Dumb- Shit !

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Brady Lake Village (BLV) police chief Dave Kinney is a Toe 2 Toe loud mouth,but not much else.

Brady Lake Village (BLV) in Ohio has a police chief who has his head up his fat ass,as you will see in this Toe 2 Toe Cop blog site. Toe 2 Toe actually works for the Brady Lake clerk Ethel Nemeth  who thinks she's the mayor and the queen.
Or could too many jelly donuts be the real TOE 2 TOE COP problem ? To view more blog sites about Brady Lake Village click on the red square with the white B beside Dan Boyle. If you would like to see the blog site that started it all try- CAMP=Caring About More People -If you would like to comment and be anonymous click on comments below these comments.