Brady Lake Village Ohio police chief Dave Kinney (DK) and Brady Lake Village clerk Ethel Nemeth (EN) talking about 37 year Brady Lake Village resident Dan Boyle after Dan Boyle was stopped by Dave Kinney for no front license plate on a coustomer's van,that Dan Boyle didn't know about. From 3/1/11 Dave Kinney was known as Toe 2 Toe. The above video was taken from Dave Kinney,aka,Toe 2 Toe's body camera that Toe 2 Toe forgot to shut off,what a Dumb- Shit !

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Brady Lake Village (BLV) police chief Dave Kinney is a Toe 2 Toe loud mouth,but not much else.

Brady Lake Village (BLV) in Ohio has a police chief who has his head up his fat ass,as you will see in this Toe 2 Toe Cop blog site. Toe 2 Toe actually works for the Brady Lake clerk Ethel Nemeth  who thinks she's the mayor and the queen.
Or could too many jelly donuts be the real TOE 2 TOE COP problem ? To view more blog sites about Brady Lake Village click on the red square with the white B beside Dan Boyle. If you would like to see the blog site that started it all try- CAMP=Caring About More People -If you would like to comment and be anonymous click on comments below these comments.


Anonymous said...

Kinney's an ass hole !

Anonymous said...

Wrong,he's a fat ass hole.

Anonymous said...

Is it just me or is Kinney wider?

Anonymous said...

Too bad Kinney's not as smart as he is wide!

Anonymous said...

The new t-shirt fits perfect!

Anonymous said...

There's a video posted today on LiveLeak showing a resident of Brady Lake being pulled over for no front plate and arrested for refusing to sign the ticket. In the video you can see he doesn't refuse to sign but rather the cop refuses to give hive a pen to sign it with. He is then arrested for refusing to sign.
The cops in that town are real pieces of shit.

If the Mickey Mouse tie fits wear it. said...

If BLVPD chief Dave Kinney was not allowed out on road patrol when he worked for the PCSO,how in the fuck did he get to be BLVPD chief ?
It looks like when BLV mayor Hal Lehman is your boss anything goes as long as BLV clerk Ethel Nemeth is happy.

Anonymous said...

Pretty bad when a cop can't make it in Brady Lake. Fucking loser Kinney!

Anonymous said...

Kinney didn't make it at the PCSO either.

Anonymous said...

Kinney said he retired from BLV but BLV had enough of his lying.

Anonymous said...

not liked in brimfield either

Anonymous said...

Where's the fat fuck working now ?

Anonymous said...

Still working at being toe 2 toe.

Anonymous said...

Once a fat fuck always a fat fuck.

Anonymous said...

The BCI knows about the BLVPD.